Busting Out of the Rut – Using Testosterone to Overcome Your Plateaus.
Low testosterone sucks. Especially when you’re trying to:
-Lose weight
-Build muscle
-Or even just have better sex
At a certain point every man has found himself in need of a supplement to help improve his body’s functions. Which is why testosterone supplements were created.
The benefit of our supplements is that they have proven ingredients aimed exactly at this problem that have helped thousands of men take back control.
Sh** Happens

Body composition changes cause and can be caused by low testosterone. Age and weight will have an impact.
You have, by now, probably noticed changes in your body composition that are impacting your ability to function as you were meant to. This can be due to age, weight, or overall mental health; and can be attributed to low levels of testosterone.
Nebido, a leading research conglomeration in the use of testosterone, wrote in 2014:
“A growing body of evidence has established associations between low testosterone levels and multiple risk factors and diseases including the metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass), frailty, mobility limitations, osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, depression, cardiovascular disease, and reduced longevity.”
According to Nebido, low testosterone also negatively affects the ability for the body to build and sustain muscle while increasing its capability of holding a larger amount of fat mass, and decreasing overall libido.
Better sex, bigger gains, and fat loss are all reasons why you are here. You can expect this supplement to improve on all three aspects of life, especially when used correctly.
Get Jacked and Ditch the Fat
Let’s be honest here, if you are reading this a big part of your goal is to get ridiculously jacked. Nobody starts a testosterone supplement with the mindset of “oh I might lose a bit of weight.” And you will definitely notice some big changes.
Now just because it’s not your main objective doesn’t mean it’s not a positive benefit you will see.
Fat cells grow especially well in an area where LAZINESS IS KING AND TESTOSTERONE IS NOT. You will see an increase in energy, but you will also see a definitive change in body composition when this is paired with regular exercise.
Others who have used our products have noticed better health overall, 36 year-old Tad Burgess tried this supplement with low expectations. His only goal was to get back to the gym and lose a little weight. He wrote to us about how much more than his expectations were met:
“I was told of this product by a friend, who said that it motivated him and gave him solid lean muscle gains. I started with this product about 6 months ago and HAVE NOW GONE FROM 215 LBS TO 187 LBS This is below the weight in which I was competing. I have lost unwanted belly fat and seen strength gains that I was GETTING BACK IN MY 20’S.”

Boosting your testosterone even slightly will affect your body’s ability to burn the fat that is keeping it back. This change will help you in many of your other fitness goals. HealthLine writer, Rachel Nall, wrote in January of 2017 about the use of Testosterone in our bodies, saying that:
”A man’s testosterone levels will typically peak somewhere between age 20 and 30. After this time, they will gradually decrease for the rest of his life. Testosterone levels are estimated to decrease by 1 percent annually after age 30 to 40. Therefore, lower testosterone levels are more common among older men. This explains some of the age-related changes in men, such as loss of muscle mass.”
Her article links the use of testosterone in men to their ability to build sustainable muscle. Low T will make it much more difficult to maintain steady muscle growth. Even in younger men your natural testosterone will only take you so far in muscle building, if you are looking to improve quickly then you are in the right area.
Plateauing is the worst part of any muscle building, it’s tough to beat and will leave you frustrated. This is guaranteed to push you past that plateau and let you keep moving on up.
Improvement in the Bedroom and Boardroom
Whatever reason you are taking this for you will be noticing A LOT of changes. The most noticeable and fastest change to occur will be an increase in sex drive. Testosterone supplements have been linked to several mental and chemical changes in men.
According to a research article written by Jacque Wilson for CNN on Baby Boomers using testosterone treatments:
“Up until a few years ago, testosterone was mostly the choice of competitive body builders and professional athletes. Now, everyone from Wall Street executives to corporate office managers are taking what the media has dubbed “Viagra for the boardroom.”
Sex drive and aggression are the most prominent, but are also known to positively impact other aspects of life such as:
You will see definite improvement in the bedroom and the boardroom. The increase in confidence and focus are exactly what you need to upgrade both parts of life.